Monday, November 4, 2019

Binge Drinking on the rise in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Binge Drinking on the rise in the UK - Essay Example Other bits of information are presented more somberly, such as information concerning the amount of alcohol in a standard drink and how fast the body metabolizes alcohol. The source achieves these objectives by providing the information Dr. Hanson has collected from studies over the past forty years. The sections are arranged in a format familiar to young people. Question and answer sessions that are devoid of preaching but flush with scientific fact are easily accessed. Dr. David Hanson has published over 300 scholarly articles on issues related to alcohol consumption over the past forty years. He has written two full length books and appeared on numerous television and radio programs as a recognized expert. He is currently Professor Emeritus at the State University of New York at Potsdam. He clearly states in his biographical information that he receives absolutely no funding for his research from outside sources, so he is beholden to no one. He states that he publishes what logic dictates regardless of who it may offend. This source for information on alcohol consumption is decidedly left of center. The author spends much time debunking myths about alcohol consumption that seem to be near and dear to the heart of right wing discourse concerning alcohol consumption. Most notably, the author makes a strong case for parents to consume alcohol with their children within the home. This is a radical notion in the United States, where a prohibition of alcohol consumption for anyone under the age of 21 is in effect. While more common in Europe, American families rarely drink together until the children are of a legal age to do so. Another segment of the web site that is decidedly left-leaning is the suggestions the author makes concerning the deterrence of drunk driving. The author argues that proactive initiatives such as Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) courts are especially helpful because their outcomes

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